Install IPTV on your Android TV (Using Perfect Player)

Install IPTV on your Android TV (Using Perfect Player)

Access GooglePlayStore and download Perfect Player IPTV. Then you can follow the below steps.

1. Launch Perfect Player.
2. Navigate to the Settings
3. Access the tab called General.
4. Visit playlist and enter the IPTV URL that you have.
5. Navigate to EPG.
6. Enter the EPG URL and click on OK.
7. Come back to Settings and select Playback.
8. Select change system volume.
9. Navigate back to settings page.
10. Select “Show Channels as Group” folder.
11. Restart the player.
12. Now you will be able to see channels on left.
13. Press the left hand button on your remote and you can get all channels to the group folder.
14. Now you can visit any folder and enjoy channels.

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